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Donate Now to Help Migrant Children

Support Mighty children living in shelters

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Bring the Joy to Mighty Children!

Record numbers of children are making perilous migration journeys worldwide; more than 150,000 children cross the border from Mexico into the U.S. each year. Many children are separated from their families and traveling alone.

In El Paso, Texas, where Mighty Writers offers programming, up to 50 children arrive at the Casa del Sagrado Corazón migrant shelter each night, having traveled from Mexico and Central America. Within just a few days of their arrival, they are put onto buses to make the trip to unfamiliar towns and cities. It can be a lonely and frightening journey.

Mighty Writers wants to brighten the lives of these children, who each embody incredible potential. We have seen migrant children thrive in our programs, excelling in English and becoming the first generation in their families to graduate from high school and go on to college.

To start their American journey, Mighty Writers will provide them with activity bags that will include:

• Crayons
• Comic books
• Coloring books
• Stickers
• Fidgets
• U.S. map puzzles
• Nerds candy
• Stuffy
• Postcards addressed to Mighty Writers, so they can tell us where they are and how they're doing!

Will you support us by buying a bag for a child? Bring joy to them and welcome them to their new home!

[Photo by Hendrik Terbek:]